
Showing posts from February, 2018

RNC just got caught paying hush money to Trump's former bodyguard

RNC just got caught paying hush money to Trump's former bodyguard Ex-NYPD detective  Keith Schiller  was Donald Trump’s longtime bodyguard for the Trump Organization, and his Republican campaign, ultimately landing a job as Director of Oval Office Operations for the President. Schiller worked the infamous Miss Universe Moscow pageant and  testified to the House  that he left the hotel door unguarded the night which the Steele Dossier claims Donald Trump held a “ golden showers ” party, purportedly caught on a blackmail tape. Now, Schiller’s unusual payments of $15,000 a month from the national Republican Party have surfaced, and watchdogs are calling foul. 

How legal marijuana could change California's economy - Business Insider

How legal marijuana could change California's economy - Business Insider California will see regulated sales grow at a 23.1% annual pace between 2016-2020 as adult use sales come into play. By 2020, the total regulated industry will be worth $6.5 billion.  Meanwhile, it's expected that the state government will be pocketing from the rush as well, picking up   $1 billion or more   per year from taxes.

Ron Paul: Sessions’s Efforts to Stop Medical Marijuana Use Defy Federalism

Ron Paul: Sessions’s Efforts to Stop Medical Marijuana Use Defy Federalism   President Trump and the rest of the GOP would be foolish to stand with Sessions. Eliminating the Rohrabacher Amendment would expose the Republicans as “fair weather federalists,”’who only support state autonomy when the state policies conform to the GOP’s agenda. This would cause the GOP to lose support of younger liberty-minded voters who expect their elected officials to consistently defend limited government and individual liberty.

What's Worse for Your Brain — Alcohol or Marijuana?

What's Worse for Your Brain — Alcohol or Marijuana?   Hutchison and his team were able to statistically control for the use of alcohol while looking for the effects of cannabis, and vice versa. What they found for alcohol use was not surprising, considering booze is a known   neurotoxin , Hutchison said: Heavier alcohol use led to greater declines in gray matter and declines in the quality of connections in white matter. In contrast, "we don't see any statistically significant effects of cannabis on gray matter or white matter," Hutchison said.

The health benefits of being naked: How stripping down is good for you -

The health benefits of being naked: How stripping down is good for you -  Well, it turns out being naked may not only be more comfortable but healthier as well. Some experts say that stripping down to your birthday suit more often can help with myriad physical and psychological problems. Dr. Mann believes more time in the buff can help women battle body image issues. "Being in the nude reduces shame," she added. "You can work on self acceptance and that can be very healing."

It’s Happening — D.A.R.E. Ends Anti-Weed Campaign, Quietly Removes Pot from Gateway Drug List - Your Health Guide

It’s Happening — D.A.R.E. Ends Anti-Weed Campaign, Quietly Removes Pot from Gateway Drug List - Your Health Guide   For more three decades, cops would fear monger about the dangers of marijuana to children who had never even heard of it before. “One hit and your life is over,” they would say, instilling this false fear in America’s youth — luckily, most kids never bought it.

(7) Our Little Show - Why is marijuana being legalized? Share your...

(7) Our Little Show - Why is marijuana being legalized? Share your...  Why is marijuana being legalized? Share your thoughts on this controversial topic to win $50 cash 💰 Special Guest: Alberta Marijuana Party Leader Kenneth Leonard Kirk Guest Dj: Jasson Rojas

Watch the Entire Total Lunar Eclipse in Just 1 Minute

Watch the Entire Total Lunar Eclipse in Just 1 Minute  If you're like me you missed the eclipse which sucks because that was the first time we saw a supermoon moon, blue  moon, red moon and full lunar eclipse in something like a century and a half. Given the rarity of all four events happening at once, combined with the fact that many people in North America may have been sleeping when the lunar eclipse happened during the early morning hours of Jan. 31, the Griffith Observatory has made catching up easy with a short time lapse video.