
Showing posts from June, 2017

What would walking away from NAFTA mean for Canada? |

What would walking away from NAFTA mean for Canada? | If the Trump administration decides to try and push an agreement that is not in Canada's favour, and Canada walks away from the deal, what would that mean? This Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives  report   investigates the tariff impacts on Canadian exports if the NAFTA was terminated.  The results leave Canada in a great negotiating position. 

Liked on YouTube: Van Halen - Eruption Guitar Cover


Dozens of indictments in largest illegal marijuana trafficking ring bust since legalization | FOX31 Denver

Dozens of indictments in largest illegal marijuana trafficking ring bust since legalization | FOX31 Denver "62 people and 12 businesses were indicted in the bust, dubbed Operation Toker Poker, which spanned five states. Forty-three of the 62 people charged in the bust have been arrested, with the other 19 still on the run" This is the face of the new "legalization". It doesn't mean that the weed has been freed, it just means that approved corporate players are now allowed. And the worst part is that non approved mom and pop grows face the same sanctions as the victims of this Colorado operation. It's a good thing that they busted the swindlers but growers and dealers got busted too. Free the weed.

MA: 98-Year-Old Activist Frances Crowe Arrested Blockading Pipeline | Democracy Now!

MA: 98-Year-Old Activist Frances Crowe Arrested Blockading Pipeline | Democracy Now! And in western Massachusetts, 98-year-old activist Frances Crowe and seven others were arrested blockading construction of a Kinder Morgan gas pipeline in the Otis State Forest on Saturday. Activists helped push Crowe to the construction site in her wheelchair, where they then held a mock funeral for fossil fuels. Crowe is a longtime peace and antinuclear activist. This is her third arrest since she turned 90 years old. When asked on Saturday how many times she’d been arrested throughout her lifetime, Francis Crowe answered, "Not Enough."

Donald Trump Has No Foreign Policy – Mother Jones

Donald Trump Has No Foreign Policy – Mother Jones Here’s the score so far: Trump has been suckered by China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. He has pissed off Mexico, Canada, Germany, France, Britain, Australia, and most of our other traditional allies. Nobody knows what his policy toward Israel is. Or his policy in Afghanistan. Or his policy in Syria. Or his trade policy toward anyone. Or whether he ever bothers talking with his Secretary of State.

Tesla Solar Roof | Tesla Canada

Tesla Solar Roof | Tesla Canada Solar Roof complements your home’s architecture while turning sunlight into electricity. With an integrated Powerwall battery, energy collected during the day is stored and made available any time, effectively turning your home into a personal utility. Glass solar tiles are so durable they are warrantied for the lifetime of your house, or infinity, whichever comes first.

Mexico Officially Legalizes Medical Marijuana | Marijuana

Mexico Officially Legalizes Medical Marijuana | Marijuana Today, Mexican President  Enrique Peña Nieto  officially  published a bill  that makes medical marijuana available and legal in Mexico. The historic change in policy for this critical Latin American nation marks another country that has welcomed cannabis as an important tool for healing the sick.

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Trump Turns Back the Clock With Cold War Cuba U-Turn

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Trump Turns Back the Clock With Cold War Cuba U-Turn While the neocons and Democratic Party hard-liners have succeeded in bringing back the Cold War with Russia, it looks like President Trump is determined to take us back to a replay of the Bay of Pigs!  In Miami on Friday, the president announced that he was slamming the door on one of President Obama’s foreign policy successes: easing 50 years of US sanctions on Cuba.

INTERVIEW: Charlie Angus on pipelines, free education and Indigenous rights | Ricochet

INTERVIEW: Charlie Angus on pipelines, free education and Indigenous rights | Ricochet An MP representing northern Ontario, Angus is known as a punk rocker with a folksy style and a commitment to advocating for Indigenous rights in Canada.  With just over two months left to sign up new members and three months until voting begins, the NDP leadership race is starting to heat up. The unexpected success of Jeremy Corbyn and the U.K. Labour Party, especially among young voters, is likely to raise expectations among those looking for reinvigorated left-wing politics in Canada.

Scientists Deliver Formal Proof of Famous Kepler Conjecture | Mathematics |

Scientists Deliver Formal Proof of Famous Kepler Conjecture | Mathematics | T he Kepler conjecture: ‘ no packing of congruent balls in Euclidean three-space has density greater than that of the face-centered cubic packing .’  This conjecture is the oldest problem in discrete geometry.  “He [ Professor Thomas Hales ]  and a team of collaborators wrote out the entire proof in extraordinary detail using strict formal logic, which a computer program then checked with perfect rigor.” The paper not only settles a centuries-old mathematical problem, but is also a major advance in computer verification of complex mathematical proofs.

We'll Soon Be Using More Than Earth Can Provide

We'll Soon Be Using More Than Earth Can Provide The basic point is quite simple: From Jan. 1 to Aug. 2, the world's 7.5 billion people will have used as much of Earth's biological resources—or biocapacity—as the planet can regenerate in a year. During the remaining five months of 2017, our human consumption will be drawing down Earth's reserves of fresh  water , fertile  soils , forests and fisheries, and depleting its ability to regenerate these resources as well as sequester excess carbon released into the atmosphere.

Trump Calls Mayor of Shrinking Island, Says Don't Worry About Sea Level Rise

Trump Calls Mayor of Shrinking Island, Says Don't Worry About Sea Level Rise President Trump told the mayor of a small island experiencing rapid coastline loss to "not worry" about sea level rise. According to local outlet Delmarva Now, Trump placed the call to Tangier Island Mayor James "Ooker" Eskridge after seeing a CNN report on the endangered island, which overwhelmingly voted for him. "[Trump] said, 'Your island has been there for hundreds of years, and I believe your island will be there for hundreds more,'" the mayor reported. Tangier Island is losing around 15 feet of coastline per year, and the New York Times reported last year that experts estimate residents may only have 50 years left on the island before having to relocate.

Cashing in on the Rise of the “Alt Right” – Mother Jones

Cashing in on the Rise of the “Alt Right” – Mother Jones PATHETIC! DISGUSTING!  Kyle Chapman (who has a felony criminal record and spent a total of 10 years in prison until 2014) rose from obscurity in early March after being captured in a video at a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley, California, smashing an anti-fascist (a.k.a.  antifa ) counterprotester over the head with a curtain rod. He was arrested later that day on suspicion of assault. Since then, he has been arrested  twice more in Berkeley  on suspicion of assaulting people during street protests but has not been charged with a crime. In the same period, Chapman launched his own website and line of apparel, and started an aspiring militia group called the Fraternal Order of the Alt-Knights. Indeed, Chapman has sought to parlay skull cracking into something of a brand. 

Senators introduce bill to end federal medical marijuana prohibition - MarketWatch

Senators introduce bill to end federal medical marijuana prohibition - MarketWatch Attorney General Jeff "Smoke-Sessions" Sessions asked Congress in May to allow the Justice Department to prosecute businesses and individuals in states with medical marijuana laws. But Congress took a step toward easing its stance on medical marijuana on Thursday. U.S. Sens. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Corey Booker (D-New Jersey) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-New York) introduced a bill that would end the federal prohibition of medical marijuana and take steps to improve research. The Compassionate Access, Research Expansion and Respect States, or CARERS, Act would effectively change the Controlled Substances Act, allowing the possession, production and distribution of medical marijuana in states with established marijuana laws.

DAPL Pipeline loses to Standing Rock Sioux in court - Red, Green, and Blue

DAPL Pipeline loses to Standing Rock Sioux in court - Red, Green, and Blue The judge ruled the Army Corps of Engineers failed to carry out an adequate review of the environmental consequences the pipeline could have when it first approved its construction. This despite the fact that, since Donald Trump took over the White House, the pipeline has been completed and begun transporting oil from the Alberta tar sands.

Cannabis Study: How THC Affects Learning and Memory at Different Ages | Leafly

Cannabis Study: How THC Affects Learning and Memory at Different Ages | Leafly “Memory Loss From Old Age Could Be Reversed By Smoking Marijuana.” The idea is alluring, especially given the toll cognitive decline takes as we age: instead of leaving you dazed and confused, THC might actually help restore cognitive function in older individuals.

A Resolution Against White Supremacy Causes Chaos at the Southern Baptist Convention - The Atlantic

A Resolution Against White Supremacy Causes Chaos at the Southern Baptist Convention - The Atlantic It affirmed that “there has arisen in the United States a growing menace to political order and justice that seeks to reignite social animosities, reverse improvements in race relations, divide our people, and foment hatred, classism, and ethnic cleansing.” It identified this “toxic menace” as white nationalism and the alt-right, and urged the denomination to oppose its “totalitarian impulses, xenophobic biases, and bigoted ideologies that infect the minds and actions of its violent disciples.” 

Michael Lambert found guilty for growing cannabis for daughter with severe epilepsy - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Michael Lambert found guilty for growing cannabis for daughter with severe epilepsy - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) I have children. I also have epilepsy like Mike Lambert's daughter does. This man should be given a medal, not a conviction. The problem is the government thinks they own your children (they don't) and pharmaceutical companies think they own the government (they do). So rot in jail and have your family ripped apart while your children die; how dare you stand up to a ridiculous law in order to save your ill child?

What If the Feds Prosecute Cannabis Businesses? - Ask a Pot Lawyer - Portland Mercury

What If the Feds Prosecute Cannabis Businesses? - Ask a Pot Lawyer - Portland Mercury The federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA) outlaws the possession and sale of cannabis, period. In federal enforcement cases, courts have consistently said that the feds can enforce their terrible pot laws, even in states like Oregon where sales are licensed. However, people may not stand for it.

(750) Is There an Alternative to Political Correctness? - YouTube

Is There an Alternative to Political Correctness? - YouTube If "politically correct" culture is a huge turn-off to you but coming off as a disrespectful brute is as well, there may be a third way; politeness.

Trump Jr. Now Tied To Banker Behind Russian Money Laundering Scheme

Trump Jr. Now Tied To Banker Behind Russian Money Laundering Scheme Donald Trump Jr. has a  direct, personal connection  to the central figure in multiple money laundering cases involving Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, UK, Seychelles Islands, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico and the United States.  “Don Jr. is looking for an easy out. He met one on one with the head of a bank that was actively running a scam to launder money for mexican drug lords. When confronted with hard evidence, he didn’t deny or clarify, he ran away and hid like a coward.”

Attorney General Sessions Asks Congress To Let Him Go After Medical Marijuana States - Toke Signals with Steve Elliott

Attorney General Sessions Asks Congress To Let Him Go After Medical Marijuana States - Toke Signals with Steve Elliott Sessions asked Congressional leaders not to renew a current federal law that prevents the Justice Department from spending money to interfere with state medicinal cannabis laws.

COVFEFE Act would make social media a presidential record | TheHill

COVFEFE Act would make social media a presidential record | TheHill "President Trump’s frequent, unfiltered use of his personal Twitter account as a means of official communication is unprecedented. If the President is going to take to social media to make sudden public policy proclamations, we must ensure that these statements are documented and preserved for future reference. Tweets are powerful, and the President must be held accountable for every post," said Quigley in a statement.

Donald Trump state visit: Timing now in doubt after President 'voices protest fears' | The Independent

Donald Trump state visit: Timing now in doubt after President 'voices protest fears' | The Independent Ms May invited Mr Trump to Britain seven days after his inauguration. Now he cowardly wants to wait until the British public supports him coming. The US President made the admission in a recent phone call to the Prime Minister, a Downing Street adviser who was present for the call told  The Guardian . The aide said Ms May seemed surprised. Mr Trump –  never a favourite  among British voters – stoked outcry in recent weeks for attacking London Mayor Sadiq Khan in the wake of terrorist attacks in the city. .

Slideshow: Anti-Sharia rallies draw counter-protests, arrests | 89.3 KPCC

Slideshow: Anti-Sharia rallies draw counter-protests, arrests | 89.3 KPCC If you know anything about law you'll know what a ridiculous proposition it is that Sharia law is ever going to be part of US law or US public policy. It's actually against US law for any US judge to give Sharia law anything more than passing consideration, it does not over-ride US law or statute in any way. Sharia law is, effectively, of no force and effect in the United States because it is not a legally enacted body of law.

First medical marijuana clinic to open in Lethbridge in July - Lethbridge |

First medical marijuana clinic to open in Lethbridge in July - Lethbridge | “I’ve been waiting for the clinic to open and to educate myself and go through the proper channels,” Tanaka said. Once marijuana is legalized in Canada, Bellefeuille says she plans to turn all locations into dispensaries.

Medicinal cannabis finally on Parliament’s agenda «

Medicinal cannabis finally on Parliament’s agenda « “New Zealand can finally catch up to the much of the rest of the world on cannabis – now it’s up to my colleagues across the aisle in Parliament,” said Ms Genter.

Trump just committed to NATO's Article 5. Finally. - Vox

Trump just committed to NATO's Article 5. Finally. - Vox So, Trump made a big policy pronouncement, seemingly off the cuff and with no warning. Many are surely happy, relieved, even, while feeling confused at the same time.

Comey says Trump fired him to undermine FBI Russia investigation | Reuters

Comey says Trump fired him to undermine FBI Russia investigation | Reuters Asked why he thought Trump fired him, Comey said he did not know for sure. He added: "Again, I take the president's words. I know I was fired because of something about the way I was conducting the Russia investigation was in some way putting pressure on him, in some way irritating him, and he decided to fire me because of that."

Will there be a 'coalition of chaos', minority government - or a second election?

Will there be a 'coalition of chaos', minority government - or a second election? Anti-Brexit forces come through with fitting punishment for May's arrogant assumption that she could increase her majority buy calling a snap election she previously promised not to call.

Canada seeks larger world role as U.S. retreats: foreign minister | Reuters

Canada seeks larger world role as U.S. retreats: foreign minister | Reuters Freeland, noting "international relationships that had seemed immutable for 70 years are being called into question," stressed the value of bilateral ties with the United States, traditionally seen as Canada's closest friend. She also made clear those bonds might loosen. "The fact that our friend and ally has come to question the very worth of its mantle of global leadership, puts into sharper focus the need for the rest of us to set our own clear and sovereign course," she said in an address to Parliament.

Edward Snowden defends alleged NSA leaker Reality Winner

Edward Snowden defends alleged NSA leaker Reality Winner In a new statement, whistleblower Edward Snowden defended the 25-year-old contractor who allegedly leaked a highly classified document about Russian attempts to hack 2016 election officials. Snowden said Reality Winner's arrest amounted to a "fundamental threat to the free press."

Trump's Climate Withdrawal Is an Impeachable Offense

Trump's Climate Withdrawal Is an Impeachable Offense The Constitution provides for impeachment of the president when he commits "High Crimes" and misdemeanors. They include, but are not limited to, conduct punishable by the criminal law. Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist No. 65 that offenses are impeachable if they "proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust." "They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated POLITICAL, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself."

Liked on YouTube: Van Gogh on Dark Water


(698) Jimmy Carter Brilliantly Explains How The Establishment Gave Us Trump - YouTube

Jimmy Carter Brilliantly Explains How The Establishment Gave Us Trump - YouTube JIMMY CARTER AND BERNIE SANDERS EXPLAIN HOW INEQUALITY BREEDS AUTHORITARIANISM ON MONDAY NIGHT, one day after the far-right Marine Le Pen lost France’s presidential election but garnered a record number of votes for her political party, Bernie Sanders and Jimmy Carter sat down together to discuss rising authoritarianism across the globe. The two spoke at the Carter Center, in a discussion that was streamed online. Asked by the moderator about the rise of authoritarian politics in the United States and elsewhere, both the Vermont senator and former presi dent agreed on a single root cause: political and economic inequality. “I think the root of it is something that I haven’t heard discussed much,” Carter replied. “I believe the root of the downturn in human rights preceded 2016, it began earlier than that, and I think the reason was disparity in income which has been translated into the average person, you

(698) Data & Picard | Pogo - YouTube

Data & Picard | Pogo - YouTube You know, back when I was in the academy, we would follow every toast with a song! (Klingon singing) Tis better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all! Come cheer up, my lads Come cheer up, my lads Tis better to have loved and lost Tis better to have loved and lost Captain Jean-Luc Picard Then never to have loved at all Of the Federation starship Come cheer up, my lads Come cheer up, my lads Tis better to have loved and lost Captain Jean-Luc Picard One, seven, three, four, six, seven, three, two, one, four, seven, six, charlie, three, two, seven, eight, nine, seven, seven, seven, six, four, three, tango, seven, three, two, victor, seven, three, one, one, seven, eight, eight, eight, seven, three, two, four, seven, six, seven, eight, nine, seven, six, four, three, seven, six, lock When I have plucked the rose Tea, Earl grey, hot Longing still, for that which longer nurseth the disease In faith, I do not love thee Shall I compare thee t

US government finally admits that cannabis kills cancer cells - Mirror Online

US government finally admits that cannabis kills cancer cells - Mirror Online A health researcher on the US government's  website claimed: "Studies in mice and rats have shown that cannabinoids may inhibit tumor growth by causing cell death, blocking cell growth, and blocking the development of blood vessels needed by tumors to grow. Laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells.

Alberta’s approach to cannabis legalization |

Alberta’s approach to cannabis legalization | The government of Alberta wants to hear from you about its responsibilities with regard to the upcoming cannabis legalization in July 2018. There is a deadline people, July 31st, 2017, make sure you have your say - Peace 

BRILLIANT: Man Figures out How to Train Bees to Make Honey from Cannabis – The Indigenous American

BRILLIANT: Man Figures out How to Train Bees to Make Honey from Cannabis – The Indigenous American He goes by the nickname of Nicolas Trainerbees, for obvious reasons. For 20 years, he has worked with bees in a way he claims allows him to “train” them to make honey from virtually anything.  “I have trained bees to do several things, such as collect sugar from fruits, instead of using flowers,”  he explains.

Cannabis Legalization Could Help Medicare

from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Let women use medical cannabis to ease period pain, says NY Democrat

from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Medical marijuana shortages hit some patients as demand surges

from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Marijuana media giant High Times sells majority stake for ~$42 million

from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Detroit Cracks Down Hard On Medical Marijuana

from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Medicinal cannabis: Victoria awarded commercial permit; Marijuana study finds Cannabidiol effective in treating schizophrenic patients

from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

'World's Most Ambitious Target' to Go 100% Renewables Just Passed the California Senate

'World's Most Ambitious Target' to Go 100% Renewables Just Passed the California Senate "Regardless of what Washington does, California will show the way forward," De LeĂłn  said . "We are sending a clear message to the rest of the world that no president, no matter how desperately the try to ignore reality, can halt our progress."

India cancels plans for huge coal power stations as solar energy prices hit record low | The Independent

India cancels plans for huge coal power stations as solar energy prices hit record low | The Independent India has cancelled plans to build nearly 14 gigawatts of coal-fired power stations – about the same as the total amount in the UK – with the price for solar electricity “free falling” to levels once considered impossible.

Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Check out my music. You can stream it for free at this site. If you feel generous you can even buy it. from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Putin Vows Military Response to 'Eliminate NATO Threat' If Sweden Joins U.S.-Led Alliance

Putin Vows Military Response to 'Eliminate NATO Threat' If Sweden Joins U.S.-Led Alliance SABER-RATTLING: “If Sweden joins NATO this will affect our relations in a negative way because we will consider that the infrastructure of the military bloc now approaches us from the Swedish side,” Putin told state news agency  Itar-Tass . “We will interpret that as an additional threat for Russia and we will think about how to eliminate this threat.”  Russian officials have repeatedly treated NATO expansion near or at its borders as encroachment, rather than a desire by their smaller neighbors to deter Russian military incursion as sustained by Ukraine in 2014.

(107) I don’t give a **** if we agree about climate change.

I don’t give a **** if we agree about climate change. 'Come with me if you want to live.'

Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

VA Secretary: 'We're Interested In Looking' At Medical Marijuana For Vets - from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Cannabidiol law change 'great day for NZ medicine' - from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

The song attacks the Conservative Parties' record in office over the NHS crisis, education and levels of poverty. "When there's nurses going hungry and schools in decline I don't recognise this broken country of mine' goes one of the lyrics. The song has been available for download from last Friday (26 May) and has been rising up in the iTunes charts, reaching no.10 today. from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

This observation from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show it is late summer in the Southern hemisphere, so the Sun is low in the sky and subtle topography is accentuated in orbital images. from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

This observation from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show it is late summer in the Southern hemisphere, so the Sun is low in the sky and subtle topography is accentuated in orbital images. from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Elon Musk to Trump: You quit Paris, so I quit you - Jun. 1, 2017

THE WRONG BILLIONAIRE IS POTUS Transitioning the world to sustainable energy is the crux of Tesla's business -- and Musk's personal brand. When Tesla (TSLA) starting accepting deposits for its Solar Roof in May, Musk reiterated his belief that the world is moving toward that widespread use of green power. "That's the vision for the future we think is the only sensible vision for the future -- and the one we're building toward," he said. from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Nearly Half of Donald Trump's Twitter Followers Are Fake Accounts and Bots

Trump currently has 31 million followers and, sure enough, if you browse through them you will find an unusual number of tweet-less, picture-less accounts that joined the service in May 2017. If you're still curious, you can enter Trump's handle, @realDonaldTrump, into Twitter Audit, a service that assesses the authenticity of one's followers, and find that only 51 percent of Trump's are real. from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Kenneth Leonard

from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Kenneth Leonard

from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

ATTN: Video

from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Arnold Schwarzenegger rips Trump a new one. đź’Ş from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Trump currently has 31 million followers and, sure enough, if you browse through them you will find an unusual number of tweet-less, picture-less accounts that joined the service in May 2017. If you're still curious, you can enter Trump's handle, @realDonaldTrump, into Twitter Audit, a service that assesses the authenticity of one's followers, and find that only 51 percent of Trump's are real. from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Nearly Half of Donald Trump's Twitter Followers Are Fake Accounts and Bots

Nearly Half of Donald Trump's Twitter Followers Are Fake Accounts and Bots Trump currently has 31 million followers and, sure enough, if you browse through them you will find an unusual number of tweet-less, picture-less accounts that joined the service in May 2017. If you're still curious,  you can enter Trump's handle, @realDonaldTrump, into Twitter Audit, a service that assesses the authenticity of one's followers, and find that only 51 percent of Trump's are real.

Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

THE WRONG BILLIONAIRE IS POTUS Transitioning the world to sustainable energy is the crux of Tesla's business -- and Musk's personal brand. When Tesla (TSLA) starting accepting deposits for its Solar Roof in May, Musk reiterated his belief that the world is moving toward that widespread use of green power. "That's the vision for the future we think is the only sensible vision for the future -- and the one we're building toward," he said. from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Elon Musk to Trump: You quit Paris, so I quit you - Jun. 1, 2017

Elon Musk to Trump: You quit Paris, so I quit you - Jun. 1, 2017 But transitioning the world sustainable energy is the crux of Tesla's business -- and Musk's personal brand. When  Tesla   ( TSLA )  starting accepting deposits for its Solar Roof in May, Musk reiterated his belief that the world is moving toward that widespread use of green power. "That's the vision for the future we think is the only sensible vision for the future -- and the one we're building toward," he said.

Macron: Trump's withdrawal from climate agreement is 'a mistake'

"Make our planet great again." - French President Emmanuel Macron On June 1, Emmanuel Macron told Americans disappointed by Trump's rejection of the Paris climate agreement to "come and work" in France. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” - E. Lazarus [cough, cough] from Kenneth Leonard "Dr. Reefer" Kirk

Macron: Trump's withdrawal from climate agreement is 'a mistake'

Macron: Trump's withdrawal from climate agreement is 'a mistake' “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” - E. Lazarus [cough, cough] On June 1, French President Emmanuel Macron told Americans disappointed by President Trump's rejection of the Paris climate agreement to "come and work" in France. 

Trudeau tells Trump Canada is disappointed by withdrawal from Paris climate deal - Politics - CBC News

Trudeau tells Trump Canada is disappointed by withdrawal from Paris climate deal - Politics - CBC News "We are deeply disappointed that the United States federal government has decided to withdraw from the Paris agreement," Trudeau said in the statement. "Canada is unwavering in our commitment to fight climate change and support clean economic growth. Canadians know we need to take decisive and collective action to tackle the many harsh realities of our changing climate."

Bilderberg 2017: secret meeting of global leaders could prove a problem for Trump | US news | The Guardian

Bilderberg 2017: secret meeting of global leaders could prove a problem for Trump | US news | The Guardian "Perched ominously at the top of the conference agenda this year are these words: “The Trump administration: a progress report.” Is the president going to be put in detention for tweeting in class? Held back a year? Or told to empty his locker and leave? If ever there’s a place where a president could hear the words “you’re fired!”, it’s Bilderberg. Henry Kissinger, the gravel-throated kingpin of Bilderberg, visited Trump at the White House a few weeks ago to discuss “Russia and other things”, and certainly, the Bilderberg conference would be the perfect opportunity for the most powerful man in the world to discuss important global issues with Trump."

(681) Shouldn’t Jared Kushner Be Arrested? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ - YouTube

(681) Shouldn’t Jared Kushner Be Arrested? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ - YouTube Arrest Kushner now!