
Showing posts from December, 2018

Farm Bill legalizes hemp and CBD

Farm Bill legalizes hemp and CBD President Donald Trump signed Congress’ omnibus Farm Bill into law on Thursday, legalizing hemp at the federal level .  The new law will make it possible to buy crop insurance for hemp, erasing some of the risk for farmers who want to expand into the new market, and allowing hemp to be moved across state lines, expanding options for exports and sales.

Medical Cannabis Clearly Saves Lives, Federal Judge Declares | Leafly

Medical Cannabis Clearly Saves Lives, Federal Judge Declares | Leafly Cannabis Should Not Be a Schedule I Drug “How can you say that?” Hellerstein asked. “You say ‘There is no currently accepted medical use in the United States,’” Hellerstein added. “Your argument doesn’t hold.”  The judge asked: “Have there been any studies?”  That elicited a collective laugh from the gallery, which was packed with medical cannabis supporters.  “Mr. Dolinger,” the judge later said, “your argument is not getting anywhere.”  The courtroom gallery broke out in laughter on more than one occasion in reaction to Hellerstein’s cutting remarks.   The judge said that cannabis does not meet the criteria to be a Schedule 1 drug, because it does have medical use.

NDP files complaint against UCP, Jason Kenney and third-party advertiser | Canada Live News

NDP files complaint against UCP, Jason Kenney and third-party advertiser | Canada Live News Richardson said the Shaping Alberta Future website states that its political action committee (PAC) is a way to avoid election financing rules, which now prohibit corporate and union donations to political parties. The PAC tells donors it will collect money to help pay for non-political advertising expenses such as overhead. He also said the PAC is working "entirely for the purpose of doing the work of a political party," which is contrary to election financing laws. He then quoted the Shaping Alberta's Future website, which tells potential donors: "One hundred per cent of donor contributions are spent by us on efforts to promote Jason Kenney and the United Conservative Party." The PAC's activities "are not minor or innocent errors being committed in the course of navigating new rules," Richardson wrote in his letter to the election commissioner. "The

Treaty 8 Grand Chief slams Jason Kenney and the UCP | Alberta Native News

Treaty 8 Grand Chief slams Jason Kenney and the UCP | Alberta Native News UCP leader Jason Kenney’s recent remarks about selling off crown lands if his party wins the next provincial election, demonstrated his total lack of understanding about government’s duty to consult with Indigenous peoples and his lack of regard for Treaty Rights in Alberta, says Treaty 8 First Nations Grand Chief Arthur Noskey.  


PressProgress “I became president of the pro-life group in my campus and helped to lead an ultimately successful initiative petition, which led to a referendum which overturned the first gay spousal law in North America.” - Jason Kenney


PressProgress Alberta MLA Derek Fildebrandt says his former party’s nominations process is as anti-democratic as sham elections in Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Health Canada releases draft regulations for edible cannabis products

Health Canada releases draft regulations for edible cannabis products Considering the proven relative lack of harm from cannabis Health Canada and the provinces are riding a bonanza of useless regulations for it. Despite the fact that moat people confuse decriminalization with legalization this legalization is no decriminalization. Cannabis (in some circumstances) continues to receive criminal sanction by the feds and the provinces are overstepping their authority by applying their mere civil jurisdiction regulations (which can be refused in Canada just by saying "no" as long as you know how) with criminal level punishments. You can still go to jail for five years for selling weed in Alberta for instance. The Alberta Marijuana Party is against more pot laws. "Legalization" has brought us more.

A Complete Guide to All 17 (Known) Trump and Russia Investigations | WIRED

A Complete Guide to All 17 (Known) Trump and Russia Investigations | WIRED While the media has long short-handed Mueller’s probe as the “Russia investigation,” a comprehensive review of the cases unfolding around the president and the question of Russian influence in the 2016 campaign harkens back to another lesson of Watergate: Deep Throat’s dictum, “Follow the money.”

70 Percent of Musicians Say They Have Suffered From Anxiety or Depression. What’s Next? | Billboard

70 Percent of Musicians Say They Have Suffered From Anxiety or Depression. What’s Next? | Billboard With over 2,200 musicians participating, the study is the largest of its kind to date, and underscores both the prevalence of mental health struggles in music and the distinct pressures that exist for all workers in the industry. While the report’s title is provocative, it illuminates the tense, love-hate relationship between art and practice: artists may find solace and healing in the creative process, but the working conditions of forging a musical career can be much more traumatic.

Report: President Donald Trump Is An Adderall Snorting ‘Speed Freak’ | Michael Stone

Report: President Donald Trump Is An Adderall Snorting ‘Speed Freak’ | Michael Stone Casler explained: "He’s a speed freak. He crushes up his Adderall and he sniffs it because he can’t read and he gets really nervous when he has to read cue cards. I’m not kidding. This is true."

Life in prison for selling marijuana: Meet the people new pot laws forgot | MSNBC

Life in prison for selling marijuana: Meet the people new pot laws forgot | MSNBC At least 67 people are in prison right now, sentenced to die there for selling marijuana, according to the best available data. Until last week, Jeff Mizanskey was one of them. “Man, I feel great,” the great-grandfather told MSNBC, as he contemplated his first weekend as a free man in more than 20 years. His sentence was commuted in May from life without parole to simple life, and on Tuesday he walked out of a maximum security Missouri prison.

Erin Brockovich: We Are Being ‘Slowly Poisoned To Death’ By Monsanto – Nwo Report

Erin Brockovich: We Are Being ‘Slowly Poisoned To Death’ By Monsanto – Nwo Report “We need to petition our legislators, exercise our right to vote, rally our communities and lobby for what we believe in.” Unlike pharmaceuticals, which have to go through relatively rigorous (if imperfect) testing before being released on the marketplace, the vast majority of chemicals like glyphosate will never be adequately tested for their effects on ecosystems or human beings. Governments don’t have the resources, and companies don’t have the incentive. Even when safety guidelines and regulations are in place, the rate of chemicals acceptable by law may be far higher than what is genuinely safe. The fact is we simply have no idea the extent of the harm most chemicals are doing to our bodies or our planet.

Fela Kuti Once Ate A Joint And Police Waited 3 Days To Drug Test His Shit

Fela Kuti Once Ate A Joint And Police Waited 3 Days To Drug Test His Shit The newest episode of Great Moments in Weed History dives into how cannabis changed the life of Fela Kuti forever and resulted in a police standoff that can never be forgotten.

Dudeists of the World Unite! - Dudeism

Dudeists of the World Unite! - Dudeism Come join the slowest-growing religion in the world – Dudeism. An ancient philosophy that preaches non-preachiness, practices as little as possible, and above all, uh…lost my train of thought there. Anyway, if you’d like to find peace on earth and goodwill, man, we’ll help you get started. Right after a little nap.

Marijuana Hiring So Hot in Canada Firms Are Importing Workers - Bloomberg

Marijuana Hiring So Hot in Canada Firms Are Importing Workers - Bloomberg A lack of qualified local labor forced Aphria to dispose of almost 14,000 cannabis plants in the quarter ended Aug. 31 after they weren’t harvested in time, costing it nearly C$1 million ($750,000). Since then, the company has doubled the staff at its Aphria One greenhouse thanks in part to Canada’s Seasonal Agriculture Worker Program, which has allowed it to hire about 50 temporary workers from the Caribbean and Guatemala with plans to bring in up to 100 more. Aphria’s experience underscores the swelling demand for labor in Canada’s five-year-old cannabis sector, where openings have tripled in the past year.