
Showing posts from June, 2018

UK government to review medicinal cannabis laws | New Scientist

UK government to review medicinal cannabis laws | New Scientist The government came under pressure to review the law after cannabis oil medication was confiscated at Heathrow airport last week from the mother of a 12-year-old boy with severe epilepsy. The oil had reportedly controlled Billy Caldwell’s seizures for 300 days, but after his supply was taken away, he had two seizures and was admitted to hospital.  On Monday, Prime Minister Theresa May played down the prospect of relaxing criminal penalties for cannabis, saying the rules are in place because cannabis impacts people’s lives. But former Conservative Party leader William Hague joined calls for a change in the law, for both medicinal and recreational cannabis. “This battle is effectively over,” he wrote in The Daily Telegraph.

Is Edmonton ready for marijuana legalization? | Watch News Videos Online

Is Edmonton ready for marijuana legalization? | Watch News Videos Online Edmonton has been ready for legalization since marijuana prohibition began in Canada 95 years ago. Cudos to people like Jim Miller and Hippie Roy Stevenson who put on the first pot rallies in Edmonton in the sixties at Borden Park and the organizers of the first "420" (a huge pot rally but not on April 20 that year) at the Alberta Legislature in 1972 (note the shots of the 12k plus people who attended at that site this year).

Mobilizing Women to Move Marijuana Mainstream · High Times

Mobilizing Women to Move Marijuana Mainstream · High Times The room soon filled up to near capacity, and the talk titled Cannabis, Womanhood and Motherhood began. Attendees had each paid $25 to hear a pharmacist,  a doctor  and a  cantor-turned-pot evangelist  extol the virtues of weed for wellness from their own personal perspectives.  In shops and yoga studios in cities   all over North America , these gatherings are taking place each month.

US approves first marijuana plant-derived drug for epilepsy

US approves first marijuana plant-derived drug for epilepsy The drug, Epidiolex, is made up of cannabidiol (CBD), one of the hundreds of molecules found in the marijuana plant, and contains less than 0.1 percent of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component that makes people high. Epidiolex's launch remains at the discretion of the DEA, which must now evaluate the drug and consider reclassifying it as a substance that has medical properties, so as to allow GW to begin selling it. GW said it expects the reclassification to occur within 90 days.

A Running List of Canada’s Biggest Weed Hypocrites - VICE

A Running List of Canada’s Biggest Weed Hypocrites - VICE Not so long ago, Stephen Harper was Canada’s prime minister and he was warning us all that weed was “infinitely worse” than tobacco. Harper, you’ll recall, favoured a tough-on-crime agenda that included mandatory minimum sentences for certain drug crimes— laws that were eventually struck down as unconstitutional . During his tenure, Health Canada  also spent $7 million  on anti-drug ads, including one that dubiously claimed cannabis use lowers the IQ of young people. So it’s a tad ironic that one of the people by Harper’s side during his war on drugs—former finance minister Joe Oliver—is now singing the praises of medical weed.

Global accreditation body formed at World Cannabis Conference in Saint John - The Globe and Mail

Global accreditation body formed at World Cannabis Conference in Saint John - The Globe and Mail Speaking at the World Cannabis Congress, corporate social-responsibility expert Rick Petersen said the Global Cannabis Partnership he helped create will establish international corporate social-responsibility standards around informed choice, restrictions to youth, safety, advertising, the environment and ethics.

Liberal government rejects Senate changes to marijuana bill, vows all Canadians will be able to grow cannabis - The Globe and Mail

Liberal government rejects Senate changes to marijuana bill, vows all Canadians will be able to grow cannabis - The Globe and Mail “Canadians can grow their own tobacco and make their own beer and wine at home…. People can already grow cannabis for medical purposes. We think it is logical for the proposed legislation to be consistent when it comes to recreational cannabis”.

California Senate Passes Revolutionary Bill to Bypass Federal Reserve, Create Cannabis Banking Industry

California Senate Passes Revolutionary Bill to Bypass Federal Reserve, Create Cannabis Banking Industry In January, Sen. Bob Hertzberg, (D-Van Nuys), along with a bipartisan coalition of nine cosponsors, introduced Senate Bill 930 ( SB930 ) which would create a self-contained banking industry solely for the cannabis industry inside the state of California. Last week, the California Senate passed the bill. If the bill makes it through final approval, the implications are revolutionary and would aid in further nullifying the federal prohibition of cannabis.

Senate approves marijuana legalization bill with dozens of amendments - National |

Senate approves marijuana legalization bill with dozens of amendments - National | Most of the Senate’s amendments are minor, but about a dozen are significant, including one to allow provinces to prohibit home cultivation of cannabis if they choose, rather than accept the four marijuana plants per dwelling allowed under the bill. Quebec and Manitoba have already chosen to prohibit home-grown weed, but the amendment would erase the possibility of legal challenges to their constitutional authority to do so.