
Showing posts from 2018

Farm Bill legalizes hemp and CBD

Farm Bill legalizes hemp and CBD President Donald Trump signed Congress’ omnibus Farm Bill into law on Thursday, legalizing hemp at the federal level .  The new law will make it possible to buy crop insurance for hemp, erasing some of the risk for farmers who want to expand into the new market, and allowing hemp to be moved across state lines, expanding options for exports and sales.

Medical Cannabis Clearly Saves Lives, Federal Judge Declares | Leafly

Medical Cannabis Clearly Saves Lives, Federal Judge Declares | Leafly Cannabis Should Not Be a Schedule I Drug “How can you say that?” Hellerstein asked. “You say ‘There is no currently accepted medical use in the United States,’” Hellerstein added. “Your argument doesn’t hold.”  The judge asked: “Have there been any studies?”  That elicited a collective laugh from the gallery, which was packed with medical cannabis supporters.  “Mr. Dolinger,” the judge later said, “your argument is not getting anywhere.”  The courtroom gallery broke out in laughter on more than one occasion in reaction to Hellerstein’s cutting remarks.   The judge said that cannabis does not meet the criteria to be a Schedule 1 drug, because it does have medical use.

NDP files complaint against UCP, Jason Kenney and third-party advertiser | Canada Live News

NDP files complaint against UCP, Jason Kenney and third-party advertiser | Canada Live News Richardson said the Shaping Alberta Future website states that its political action committee (PAC) is a way to avoid election financing rules, which now prohibit corporate and union donations to political parties. The PAC tells donors it will collect money to help pay for non-political advertising expenses such as overhead. He also said the PAC is working "entirely for the purpose of doing the work of a political party," which is contrary to election financing laws. He then quoted the Shaping Alberta's Future website, which tells potential donors: "One hundred per cent of donor contributions are spent by us on efforts to promote Jason Kenney and the United Conservative Party." The PAC's activities "are not minor or innocent errors being committed in the course of navigating new rules," Richardson wrote in his letter to the election commissioner. "The

Treaty 8 Grand Chief slams Jason Kenney and the UCP | Alberta Native News

Treaty 8 Grand Chief slams Jason Kenney and the UCP | Alberta Native News UCP leader Jason Kenney’s recent remarks about selling off crown lands if his party wins the next provincial election, demonstrated his total lack of understanding about government’s duty to consult with Indigenous peoples and his lack of regard for Treaty Rights in Alberta, says Treaty 8 First Nations Grand Chief Arthur Noskey.  


PressProgress “I became president of the pro-life group in my campus and helped to lead an ultimately successful initiative petition, which led to a referendum which overturned the first gay spousal law in North America.” - Jason Kenney


PressProgress Alberta MLA Derek Fildebrandt says his former party’s nominations process is as anti-democratic as sham elections in Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Health Canada releases draft regulations for edible cannabis products

Health Canada releases draft regulations for edible cannabis products Considering the proven relative lack of harm from cannabis Health Canada and the provinces are riding a bonanza of useless regulations for it. Despite the fact that moat people confuse decriminalization with legalization this legalization is no decriminalization. Cannabis (in some circumstances) continues to receive criminal sanction by the feds and the provinces are overstepping their authority by applying their mere civil jurisdiction regulations (which can be refused in Canada just by saying "no" as long as you know how) with criminal level punishments. You can still go to jail for five years for selling weed in Alberta for instance. The Alberta Marijuana Party is against more pot laws. "Legalization" has brought us more.

A Complete Guide to All 17 (Known) Trump and Russia Investigations | WIRED

A Complete Guide to All 17 (Known) Trump and Russia Investigations | WIRED While the media has long short-handed Mueller’s probe as the “Russia investigation,” a comprehensive review of the cases unfolding around the president and the question of Russian influence in the 2016 campaign harkens back to another lesson of Watergate: Deep Throat’s dictum, “Follow the money.”

70 Percent of Musicians Say They Have Suffered From Anxiety or Depression. What’s Next? | Billboard

70 Percent of Musicians Say They Have Suffered From Anxiety or Depression. What’s Next? | Billboard With over 2,200 musicians participating, the study is the largest of its kind to date, and underscores both the prevalence of mental health struggles in music and the distinct pressures that exist for all workers in the industry. While the report’s title is provocative, it illuminates the tense, love-hate relationship between art and practice: artists may find solace and healing in the creative process, but the working conditions of forging a musical career can be much more traumatic.

Report: President Donald Trump Is An Adderall Snorting ‘Speed Freak’ | Michael Stone

Report: President Donald Trump Is An Adderall Snorting ‘Speed Freak’ | Michael Stone Casler explained: "He’s a speed freak. He crushes up his Adderall and he sniffs it because he can’t read and he gets really nervous when he has to read cue cards. I’m not kidding. This is true."

Life in prison for selling marijuana: Meet the people new pot laws forgot | MSNBC

Life in prison for selling marijuana: Meet the people new pot laws forgot | MSNBC At least 67 people are in prison right now, sentenced to die there for selling marijuana, according to the best available data. Until last week, Jeff Mizanskey was one of them. “Man, I feel great,” the great-grandfather told MSNBC, as he contemplated his first weekend as a free man in more than 20 years. His sentence was commuted in May from life without parole to simple life, and on Tuesday he walked out of a maximum security Missouri prison.

Erin Brockovich: We Are Being ‘Slowly Poisoned To Death’ By Monsanto – Nwo Report

Erin Brockovich: We Are Being ‘Slowly Poisoned To Death’ By Monsanto – Nwo Report “We need to petition our legislators, exercise our right to vote, rally our communities and lobby for what we believe in.” Unlike pharmaceuticals, which have to go through relatively rigorous (if imperfect) testing before being released on the marketplace, the vast majority of chemicals like glyphosate will never be adequately tested for their effects on ecosystems or human beings. Governments don’t have the resources, and companies don’t have the incentive. Even when safety guidelines and regulations are in place, the rate of chemicals acceptable by law may be far higher than what is genuinely safe. The fact is we simply have no idea the extent of the harm most chemicals are doing to our bodies or our planet.

Fela Kuti Once Ate A Joint And Police Waited 3 Days To Drug Test His Shit

Fela Kuti Once Ate A Joint And Police Waited 3 Days To Drug Test His Shit The newest episode of Great Moments in Weed History dives into how cannabis changed the life of Fela Kuti forever and resulted in a police standoff that can never be forgotten.

Dudeists of the World Unite! - Dudeism

Dudeists of the World Unite! - Dudeism Come join the slowest-growing religion in the world – Dudeism. An ancient philosophy that preaches non-preachiness, practices as little as possible, and above all, uh…lost my train of thought there. Anyway, if you’d like to find peace on earth and goodwill, man, we’ll help you get started. Right after a little nap.

Marijuana Hiring So Hot in Canada Firms Are Importing Workers - Bloomberg

Marijuana Hiring So Hot in Canada Firms Are Importing Workers - Bloomberg A lack of qualified local labor forced Aphria to dispose of almost 14,000 cannabis plants in the quarter ended Aug. 31 after they weren’t harvested in time, costing it nearly C$1 million ($750,000). Since then, the company has doubled the staff at its Aphria One greenhouse thanks in part to Canada’s Seasonal Agriculture Worker Program, which has allowed it to hire about 50 temporary workers from the Caribbean and Guatemala with plans to bring in up to 100 more. Aphria’s experience underscores the swelling demand for labor in Canada’s five-year-old cannabis sector, where openings have tripled in the past year.

Canada hate crimes up 47% as Muslims, Jews and black people targeted | World news | The Guardian

Canada hate crimes up 47% as Muslims, Jews and black people targeted | World news | The Guardian The spike mirrors an increase in hate crimes south of the border in the United States, where they rose in 2017 for the third consecutive year, according to the FBI. “We were shocked by the numbers – and, at the same time, we weren’t,” said Ihsaan Gardee, the executive director of the National Council of Canadian Muslims. “This increase didn’t occur in a vacuum.”

Canadian marijuana advocate blasts ‘hypocrisy’ of ex-police cashing in on cannabis | World news | The Guardian

Canadian marijuana advocate blasts ‘hypocrisy’ of ex-police cashing in on cannabis | World news | The Guardian “It’s a mix of hypocrisy and pure profiteering,” Jodie Emery told the Guardian. “They made a living off tax dollars for trying to keep people out of the cannabis business and now they’re going to position themselves to cash in.”

I served 20 years for cannabis. Now the police are cashing in on it | Rosie Rowbotham | World news | The Guardian

I served 20 years for cannabis. Now the police are cashing in on it | Rosie Rowbotham | World news | The Guardian The same authorities who hounded dealers are now investors in cannabis – and there’s still no amnesty for past convictions. The hypocrisy is staggering

CBC News

CBC News Plan To Pay For Universal Basic Income Unveiled To pay for it, early this week it was announced that online casinos would be permitted to operate. It's expected that tax revenues collected from these online casinos and those from marijuana will be enough to pay for its plans to implement universal basic income.

Marijuana Legalization Makes Black Market Better In Prohibition States

Marijuana Legalization Makes Black Market Better In Prohibition States New developments are good for pot consumers all across the country. Because – and I must confess that this admission is not going to make me popular with cannabis purists -- legal marijuana states have a way of making the black market better in areas of prohibition. It seems the more marijuana legalization takes hold across the nation, the more the weed situation improves for those people living in parts of the country where lawmakers refuse to make a change.

The Most Impactful Cannabis Research Studies of All Time | Leafly

The Most Impactful Cannabis Research Studies of All Time | Leafly T he following compendium of landmark cannabis studies is exclusively focused on top-level research that either fundamentally advanced our understanding of the plant’s therapeutic properties, or thoroughly debunked some pernicious piece of official misinformation—such as “smoking weed gives you lung cancer.”  But that’s only half the story when it comes to the intersection of science and cannabis. So before we get to the good stuff, let’s start with an unfortunately typical example of the kind of spurious evidence that has been consistently used over the last hundred years to support the government’s all-out war on cannabis.

(1) COMMENTARY: Study suggests ‘Microdosers’ of magic mushrooms and LSD can be more creative - National |

(1) COMMENTARY: Study suggests ‘Microdosers’ of magic mushrooms and LSD can be more creative - National | Microdosers score higher on ‘wisdom,’ meaning the ability to consider multiple perspectives, be in tune with their emotions and feel a sense of connection.

Mexico's incoming government moves to legalize marijuana | CBC News

Mexico's incoming government moves to legalize marijuana | CBC News Mexico's incoming government submitted a bill on Thursday to create a medical marijuana industry and allow its recreational use, part of a crime-fighting plan that would make Mexico one of the world's most populous countries to legalize the drug. The bill would permit companies to grow and commercialize marijuana. People would also be allowed to possess up to 30 grams, and cultivate plants for private use, as long as they register in an anonymous government listing and produce no more than 480 grams of marijuana per year. Smoking pot in public places would also be permitted.

Marijuana advocates celebrate after Jeff Sessions is ousted - The Verge

Marijuana advocates celebrate after Jeff Sessions is ousted - The Verge Cannabis businesses and advocates are  celebrating   the forced resignation of famously anti-marijuana Attorney General Jeff Sessions . Stocks are up for marijuana companies, especially because Sessions’ ousting comes after three states  voted to ease restrictions on the drug  in this week’s midterm elections.  The White House asked Sessions to resign yesterday for  reasons completely unrelated  to his marijuana policies. Nevertheless, the cannabis industry has already been impacted by the news. Canadian cannabis company Tilray  saw its stock jump 30 percent  in yesterday’s trading. Stock for companies like Canopy Growth and Aurora Cannabis grew 9 percent,  according to CNBC , and there were  also gains for cannabis funds  like Nasdaq’s  Alternative Harvest Marijuana  fund and the Horizons Marijuana Life Sciences fund.  Though marijuana is illegal at the federal level, there is increasing support for legalization

N.S. man starts hunger strike in protest of ‘unconstitutional’ medical cannabis access - Halifax |

N.S. man starts hunger strike in protest of ‘unconstitutional’ medical cannabis access - Halifax | A Nova Scotia man who says he has been unconstitutionally denied access to medical cannabis has started a hunger strike in protest.  Bob Dillman says he takes medical cannabis for his injured back, but has had his supply cut off several times over the past 10 years by the provincial government.  “They’re cutting us off at every access point,” Dillman said. “We have no access. That’s what medical cannabis was supposed to be all about. That’s why we have licenses, and police are ignoring legitimate licenses.”

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Across Oklahoma Celebrate First D - News On 6

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Across Oklahoma Celebrate First D - News On 6 For the first time, medical marijuana dispensaries across the state will be allowed to sell products to patients with a medical marijuana patient license. Many Oklahoma City dispensary owners are eager to expand their business.  READ: Medical Marijuana Industry Could Bring OKC Real Estate Boom

Psychedelic psilocybin therapy for depression granted Breakthrough Therapy status by FDA

Psychedelic psilocybin therapy for depression granted Breakthrough Therapy status by FDA In an extraordinary step forward for the psychedelic drug research community, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just given psilocybin therapy for treatment-resistant depression a Breakthrough Therapy designation. This classification suggests the treatment has demonstrated significant potential in early clinical evidence, allowing the FDA to assist and expedite subsequent development and review processes.

Jeff Sessions Is Forced Out as Attorney General as Trump Installs Loyalist - The New York Times

Jeff Sessions Is Forced Out as Attorney General as Trump Installs Loyalist - The New York Times   President Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday, replacing him with a loyalist who has echoed the president’s complaints about the special counsel investigation into Russia’s election interference and will now take charge of the inquiry. Mr. Sessions delivered  his resignation letter  to the White House at the request of the president, who tapped Matthew G. Whitaker,  Mr. Sessions’s chief of staff , as acting attorney general, raising questions about the future of the inquiry led by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

Why Canada's pot legalization won't stop black-market sales

Why Canada's pot legalization won't stop black-market sales “If the black market can still operate profitably, there will need to be significant justice resources devoted to enforcement,” said Rosalie Wyonch, a policy analyst at the C.D. Howe Institute, a nonprofit economic policy think tank.

Dispensary Worker Fends Off Bear Spray-Wielding Robbers With A Bong | Civilized Life

Dispensary Worker Fends Off Bear Spray-Wielding Robbers With A Bong | Civilized Life DON'T FUCK WITH STONERS! YOU BE SORRY! "Thinking fast, the store clerk grabbed the closest blunt object he could find -  a glass bong .  Seeing that he meant business, the attackers quickly lost their nerve and fell back. Two of them made some show of effort to remain threatening, but to little avail. One frantic goon threw a plastic recycling receptacle at the clerk, but he just shrugged it off like a badass and continued to rush the retreating thugs."

Dispensary Worker Fends Off Bear Spray-Wielding Robbers With A Bong | Civilized Life

Dispensary Worker Fends Off Bear Spray-Wielding Robbers With A Bong | Civilized Life DON'T FUCK WITH STONERS! YOU BE SORRY! "Thinking fast, the store clerk grabbed the closest blunt object he could find -  a glass bong .  Seeing that he meant business, the attackers quickly lost their nerve and fell back. Two of them made some show of effort to remain threatening, but to little avail. One frantic goon threw a plastic recycling receptacle at the clerk, but he just shrugged it off like a badass and continued to rush the retreating thugs."

The International Church of Cannabis is now accepting believers

The International Church of Cannabis is now accepting believers From the outside, the red-bricked columns covered in creeping English ivy look no different than any other parish church found in a sleepy suburb across America.  I nside, though,  it’s like if St. Peter’s Basilica had been painted during a Grateful Dead Concert.

Free cannabis offered at B.C. clinic to help illicit drug users detox | CTV News

Free cannabis offered at B.C. clinic to help illicit drug users detox | CTV News Never let a stupid law stop you from doing the right thing. We will be fighting addiction the same way at the Alberta marijuana Party Headquarters in Edmonton soon. 'The clinic is operating well before cannabis becomes legal nationwide on Oct. 17. But Blyth said waiting wasn’t an option. “What we are doing is not fully legal but we see it helps and we are desperate to help people,” she said. “Watching people die isn’t OK.” '

Some Canadian Universities Will Allow Marijuana On Campus

Some Canadian Universities Will Allow Marijuana On Campus In Alberta, British Columbia and Nova Scotia, where the laws are less restrictive with respect to smoking, universities might be a little more open minded to the reefer chiefing madness of their student bodies. Some schools are considering limiting the consumption of smokeable forms to designated areas, the same as tobacco. 

Leafly Users’ Favorite Cannabis Products for Relieving Arthritis | Leafly

Leafly Users’ Favorite Cannabis Products for Relieving Arthritis | Leafly Thankfully, cannabis has been shown to alleviate symptoms of arthritis in patients who regularly incorporate it into their routine. It’s even a qualifying condition for medical cannabis in a number of legalized states. When used, the cannabinoids in cannabis bind to CB2 receptors, controlling the  pain signals firing from the joint to the brain —ultimately relieving arthritic pain. Need Relief? FIND SOOTHING CANNABIS NEARBY Click Here Arthritis is not an uncommon affliction, so we took to our Leafly userbase  on Instagram  and asked you which products have help arthritis symptoms. Here’s what you had to say: CBC Transdermal Compound by Mary’s Medicinals Chock full of cannabinoids including THC, CBD, and CBC,  Mary’s Medicinals ’ soothing  CBC Transdermal Compound  is the perfect spot treatment for pesky flare-ups. CBC—or, cannabichromene—binds to certain pain receptors in the body  such as TRPV1 and TRPA1 , offe

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UK government to review medicinal cannabis laws | New Scientist

UK government to review medicinal cannabis laws | New Scientist The government came under pressure to review the law after cannabis oil medication was confiscated at Heathrow airport last week from the mother of a 12-year-old boy with severe epilepsy. The oil had reportedly controlled Billy Caldwell’s seizures for 300 days, but after his supply was taken away, he had two seizures and was admitted to hospital.  On Monday, Prime Minister Theresa May played down the prospect of relaxing criminal penalties for cannabis, saying the rules are in place because cannabis impacts people’s lives. But former Conservative Party leader William Hague joined calls for a change in the law, for both medicinal and recreational cannabis. “This battle is effectively over,” he wrote in The Daily Telegraph.

Is Edmonton ready for marijuana legalization? | Watch News Videos Online

Is Edmonton ready for marijuana legalization? | Watch News Videos Online Edmonton has been ready for legalization since marijuana prohibition began in Canada 95 years ago. Cudos to people like Jim Miller and Hippie Roy Stevenson who put on the first pot rallies in Edmonton in the sixties at Borden Park and the organizers of the first "420" (a huge pot rally but not on April 20 that year) at the Alberta Legislature in 1972 (note the shots of the 12k plus people who attended at that site this year).

Mobilizing Women to Move Marijuana Mainstream · High Times

Mobilizing Women to Move Marijuana Mainstream · High Times The room soon filled up to near capacity, and the talk titled Cannabis, Womanhood and Motherhood began. Attendees had each paid $25 to hear a pharmacist,  a doctor  and a  cantor-turned-pot evangelist  extol the virtues of weed for wellness from their own personal perspectives.  In shops and yoga studios in cities   all over North America , these gatherings are taking place each month.

US approves first marijuana plant-derived drug for epilepsy

US approves first marijuana plant-derived drug for epilepsy The drug, Epidiolex, is made up of cannabidiol (CBD), one of the hundreds of molecules found in the marijuana plant, and contains less than 0.1 percent of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component that makes people high. Epidiolex's launch remains at the discretion of the DEA, which must now evaluate the drug and consider reclassifying it as a substance that has medical properties, so as to allow GW to begin selling it. GW said it expects the reclassification to occur within 90 days.

A Running List of Canada’s Biggest Weed Hypocrites - VICE

A Running List of Canada’s Biggest Weed Hypocrites - VICE Not so long ago, Stephen Harper was Canada’s prime minister and he was warning us all that weed was “infinitely worse” than tobacco. Harper, you’ll recall, favoured a tough-on-crime agenda that included mandatory minimum sentences for certain drug crimes— laws that were eventually struck down as unconstitutional . During his tenure, Health Canada  also spent $7 million  on anti-drug ads, including one that dubiously claimed cannabis use lowers the IQ of young people. So it’s a tad ironic that one of the people by Harper’s side during his war on drugs—former finance minister Joe Oliver—is now singing the praises of medical weed.

Global accreditation body formed at World Cannabis Conference in Saint John - The Globe and Mail

Global accreditation body formed at World Cannabis Conference in Saint John - The Globe and Mail Speaking at the World Cannabis Congress, corporate social-responsibility expert Rick Petersen said the Global Cannabis Partnership he helped create will establish international corporate social-responsibility standards around informed choice, restrictions to youth, safety, advertising, the environment and ethics.

Liberal government rejects Senate changes to marijuana bill, vows all Canadians will be able to grow cannabis - The Globe and Mail

Liberal government rejects Senate changes to marijuana bill, vows all Canadians will be able to grow cannabis - The Globe and Mail “Canadians can grow their own tobacco and make their own beer and wine at home…. People can already grow cannabis for medical purposes. We think it is logical for the proposed legislation to be consistent when it comes to recreational cannabis”.

California Senate Passes Revolutionary Bill to Bypass Federal Reserve, Create Cannabis Banking Industry

California Senate Passes Revolutionary Bill to Bypass Federal Reserve, Create Cannabis Banking Industry In January, Sen. Bob Hertzberg, (D-Van Nuys), along with a bipartisan coalition of nine cosponsors, introduced Senate Bill 930 ( SB930 ) which would create a self-contained banking industry solely for the cannabis industry inside the state of California. Last week, the California Senate passed the bill. If the bill makes it through final approval, the implications are revolutionary and would aid in further nullifying the federal prohibition of cannabis.

Senate approves marijuana legalization bill with dozens of amendments - National |

Senate approves marijuana legalization bill with dozens of amendments - National | Most of the Senate’s amendments are minor, but about a dozen are significant, including one to allow provinces to prohibit home cultivation of cannabis if they choose, rather than accept the four marijuana plants per dwelling allowed under the bill. Quebec and Manitoba have already chosen to prohibit home-grown weed, but the amendment would erase the possibility of legal challenges to their constitutional authority to do so.

452 applications received so far for Alberta cannabis retail stores |

452 applications received so far for Alberta cannabis retail stores | The Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) has received 452 applications so far for retail cannabis stores across the province. That’s a jump of 365 since the end of March.  Pending applications are posted   online   for 21 days to allow the public to file objections.

4/20 event fills Alberta legislature grounds with cannabis supporters | Watch News Videos Online

4/20 event fills Alberta legislature grounds with cannabis supporters | Watch News Videos Online This year’s 4/20 celebration is expected to be the last one before recreational marijuana becomes legal. Kim Smith has more from the legislature with Kenneth Leonard Kirk.

Brazen blazin’: 420 revellers in Edmonton will flaunt their love of cannabis one more time before it’s legal | The Star

Brazen blazin’: 420 revellers in Edmonton will flaunt their love of cannabis one more time before it’s legal | The Star “I think I might hold my nose in the air more — not only to be an arrogant bastard, but also to smell the fine bud.”

Marijuana's effects on young brains diminish 72 hours after use, research says - CNN

Marijuana's effects on young brains diminish 72 hours after use, research says - CNN When the researchers separated the studies based on length of abstinence from marijuana use, the difference in cognitive functioning between marijuana users and non-users was no longer apparent after 72 hours of marijuana abstinence. 

Replacing Alcohol With Marijuana May Prevent Dementia

Replacing Alcohol With Marijuana May Prevent Dementia Interestingly, some studies have shown that marijuana is effective in curbing  binge drinking  behavior and even alcoholism. There is also data out there that suggests the herb may actually serve as a treatment for dementia patients. 

Maine lawmakers believe they can override governor's veto on marijuana bill | TheHill

Maine lawmakers believe they can override governor's veto on marijuana bill | TheHill The state Senate on Tuesday passed the bill in a concurrence vote of 25-10; the House also approved it last week by a veto-proof margin. Legislators in the House believe their bloc of support for the bill will hold if the governor follows through on his promise to use a veto, according to the  Portland Press Herald . 

The FDA Just Outlawed CBDs and Hemp Oil Extracts by Claiming all Plant Molecules Now Belong Exclusively to Big Pharma | urhealthinfo - Better information for Better Health

The FDA Just Outlawed CBDs and Hemp Oil Extracts by Claiming all Plant Molecules Now Belong Exclusively to Big Pharma | urhealthinfo - Better information for Better Health CBDs are non-psychoactive compounds found naturally in hemp plants. They work so well as powerful natural medicine that people everywhere are realizing  CBDs work better than pharmaceuticals  for treating epilepsy, seizures, neurological disorders and other serious health conditions (including HIV infections). So the FDA has just launched a massive regulatory assault against CBDs by invoking the most insane logic you’ve ever heard.

There Are Now 100 Scientific Studies That Prove Cannabis Cures Cancer - Higher Perspective

There Are Now 100 Scientific Studies That Prove Cannabis Cures Cancer - Higher Perspective There Are Now 100 Scientific Studies That Prove Cannabis Cures Cancer AND This Article is Three Years Old Already

Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy - BBC News

Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy - BBC News Two professors have conducted exhaustive research to try to present data-driven support for this conclusion. Here's how they explain it: "Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organised groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence." In English: the wealthy few move policy, while the average American has little power.

Sometimes Fighting Climate Change Means Breaking the Law | The New Yorker

Sometimes Fighting Climate Change Means Breaking the Law | The New Yorker Last week, in a Boston municipal courthouse, thirteen defendants charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest for protesting a pipeline, were found not guilty — justified by reason of necessity.

"THIS IS WHY WE FOUGHT SO HARD TO #LEGALIZEMARIJUANA! Thousands, soon tens of thousands are, getting their old #marijuana convictions...

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Basic steps to coming out of a corrupt system by learning words and scripture

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RT AlbertaEcotrust ""A Calgary Zoo ecologist has helped develop new guidelines to protect frogs, salamanders and other amphibians impacted by human development on the prairies." Learn more here: #ABwildlife"

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RT DrugPolicyOrg ""There’s little in the way of reliable evidence to suggest that dealers are lacing marijuana with potent opioids in order to get people addicted," as Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar claims."

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RT DrugPolicyOrg ""Officials are close to limiting doses of the painkillers, but doctors say doing so could put older patients into withdrawal or lead them to buy deadly street drugs." via nytimes"

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "Here’s how much marijuana you’d need to be eligible for the death penalty under federal law"

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "Drug offenses are one of the most common reasons ICE uses to harass & deport people, which is happening now more than ever. Thanks to BklynDefender & ACLU for this video series that empowers & prepares people for encounters with ICE…"

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Announces Expansion of State Medicinal Marijuana Program Recommendations Include Adding New Qualifying Conditions, Expanding Number of Alternative Treatment Centers, & Allowing Ac…"

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "RT GovMurphy: Two months ago, I signed an Executive Order committing our administration to a review of our current medical marijuana program. Today, I announce the findings and our plan to improve access for patients, doctors and c…"

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "March 17 we held our biggest-yet expungement fair in CA helping 100s of people clear or reduce their records for marijuana offenses. But up to a million people could benefit from Prop 64's retroactive provisions & it'll take much mo…"

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "RT SanhoTree: The War on Drugs Breeds Crafty Traffickers via NYTimes My New York Times op-ed is out! Please share."

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RT DrugPolicyOrg ""Mayor Willard C. Ryland looked everywhere for salvation for his dying town. He tried luring a vegetable packing company. An Asian carp processor. A Dollar General store. But he struck out again and again. Then came marijuana — and…"

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "The U.S. government is standing in the way of real solutions that reduce overdose deaths. We just saw a successful mobile methadone clinic in action last week in Portugal. Another world is possible."

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "You Can’t Overdose on Fentanyl by Touching It - The opioid isn't easily absorbed through the skin, no matter what viral headlines say."

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "RT MMcFarlandSM: Yet another horrific case of a Black person killed by police—in his own backyard. We need to end the overpolicing of Black and Brown communities, so much of which is done in the name of the devastating, pointless wa…"

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "RT thehill: Kellyanne Conway tells college students to eat junk instead of doing drugs"

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "Thank you RepRohrabacher, repblumenauer, SenatorLeahy & SenatorShaheen for your leadership protecting medical marijuana patients by making sure the provision that shields medical marijuana states from federal interference was includ…"

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "RT MMcFarlandSM: Duterte, realDonaldTrump ‘s bloodthirsty hero in the Philippines, is afraid. Here’s why: PhelimKine"

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "Jeff Sessions is taking the steps needed to make Trump’s dream of using the death penalty for people who sell drugs a reality. Tell Congress to condemn this outrageous move & adopt harm reduction solutions that will save lives: …"

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RT StephenBolling "New handheld tool makes reading architectural floor plans easier"

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RT DrugPolicyOrg "RT dominicholden: JUST IN: Jeff Sessions has told federal prosecutors that "I strongly encourage…when appropriate” applying charges that bring the death penalty in certain drug cases — including “dealing in extremely large quantitie…"

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RT StephenBolling "Disturbing news about driverless car ethics"

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RT NatureCanada ""Canada is dragging its feet in protecting Wood Buffalo National Park" One year after a United Nations agency warned about the environmental health of Canada's largest national park the federal government isn't taking the threats to the park seriously. ➡️htt…

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RT akafeera "tzadekavoice jhcentre takeETSalert AJALouden You are all so amazing. #painttherails has such a brilliant and beautiful team. Proud to be working with all of you to build #humanrightscity"

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RT owlmon "encouragement to unite and stand together: via YouTube"

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RT NatureCanada "Wishing everyone a happy first Monday of Spring! 🌼"

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RT akafeera "RT tzadekavoice: Sooo proud of our #PaintTheRails team! Today we installed “The River” at University station. Stunning! With gratitude to all who were involved. (This is landing 1/6) jhcentre takeETSalert AJALouden"

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RT owlmon "be wise and review cEzra 7:23-26 before you believe the pulpits interpretation of Paul's writings.."

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RT NatureCanada "You can help protect animals, plants and many special areas that all make up our beautiful country. 🍁 Donate today! ➡️"

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RT akafeera "RT kairoscanada: Join the conversation in #Edmonton tomorrow for #Indigenous and Newcomer Friendships for a just and inclusive community: Indigenous and Multicultural Friendship Gathering. Free & accessible! #yegfrie…"

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RT NatureCanada "We hope you're spending your Sunday outside, but if you're stuck indoors, take a quick listen to this podcast with Nature Saskatchewan about the importance for children to spend time outside and in their #NatureHood! 🌲👟 …"

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RT akafeera "RT ACGCNow: Yeg Dignity Presents: Do The Rights Thing March 18 at 3:00 pm at Metro Cinema in Edmonton. This jhcentre event is a quarterly film screening exploring human rights issues, locally and across Canada."

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RT owlmon "exposure of Kurtis Kallenback and: via YouTube"

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RT NatureCanada "Celebrate #EarthHour2018 with us tonight! #Connect2Earth by turning off your lights for one hour starting at 8:30 PM your local time. 🌍 Read more about Earth Hour here ➡️"

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RT akafeera "RT jhcentre:"

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RT NatureCanada "#DYK a beaver can stay underwater for up to 15 minutes? #FridayFacts"

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RT akafeera "RT theECF: On March 18th, join the jhcentre at Metro Cinema for #YEGDignity: Do The Rights Thing. This quarterly film screening focuses on human rights issues, not only locally in Edmonton, but Canada wide. #yeg"

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RT elonmusk "asteroix Yes, you can upgrade hardware, although we also wrote software to accelerate rendering on old MCU. Coming out soon & makes a big diff."

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RT NatureCanada "It is estimated that lightning flashes approximately 3 million times a day! ⚡ Fortunately, these flashes don't always strike because they stay between or inside clouds. 🌩️ #WorldMeteorologicalDay"

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RT akafeera "RT RISEdmonton: Dates set for new jury trial in Cindy Gladue murder case"

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Blonde-Haired Moth With Small Genitals Named After Donald Trump

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COMPLETELY TASTELESS JOKE TIME! My turn; A guy is making out with a woman. She asks him to stick one finger in. Then two. Then three. Then his whole hand. Then both hands. Then she asks him to clap....

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RT TheDailyShow "RT roywoodjr: The third round coming to a close get ya votes in!! Let us know what you think was the biggest piece of bullshit from the last year. Vote at ‘Inauguration Crowd’ is My pick to go all the way The…"

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RT algore "Great panel on how Mexico is using a price on carbon to combat the climate crisis. Thanks to Dr. Mario J. Molina of Scripps_Ocean, Dr. Juan Carlos Belausteguigoitia of ITAM_mx, Dr. Rodolfo Lacy Tamayo of Semarnat_mx & Eduardo Piquero of MÉ…"

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RT DrDavidWheeler1 "RT asi_canada: studentenergy contribute how to sell your ideas (for youth) and the ability to listen to ideas even if they are not complete solutions (for established leaders) rosiepidcock RupiAssi"

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RT MikeHudema "So much love to all of the young folks for finally answering all those thoughts and prayers. #March4OurLives #NotOneMore #Guncontrol"

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RT RachelNotley "Thank you to Caroline and everyone at SAIFSociety for sharing your important work with us today MarieFrRenaud Trevor_Horne #stalbert"

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RT algore "Great questions this morning from the new Climate Reality Leader trainees here in #CDMX – thank you to Dr. Adrián Fernández Bremauntz of ICM, Dr. Ana Cecilia Alvarez Conde of UNAM_MX & Dr. Henry Pollack of UMich for your expert answers! #LeadOnClimate"

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RT DrDavidWheeler1 "RT asi_canada: GavinPitchford clean50 stressed soft skills, business nuts and bolts francesedmonds HP adds info about #actionlearning lab on #Sustainable procurement"

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RT MikeHudema "Check out the button Grimezsz wore to the #JUNOS tonight in #YVR. #StopKM #cdnpoli #bcpoli #ProtectThePacific"

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RT TheDailyShow "RT roywoodjr: So y’all couldn’t wait to post this after I got outta town safely? Aiight den TrevorNoah"

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RT algore "Thank you to Jorge Villarreal Padilla of ICM, tabnrgy of WWF_LAC & Dr. Cuauhtémoc León Diez of cegamcsur for a thoughtful, forward-looking panel this morning on ensuring a just transition to clean energy in Mexico! #LeadOnClimate"

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RT RachelNotley "Great morning in #stalbert with Mayor CathyHeron bmasonNDP MarieFrRenaud Trevor_Horne. This city is a green leader & about to get greener #yeg"

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RT DrDavidWheeler1 "RT CBVoices: We are excited to present the 3rd video in our series “Women and Entrepreneurship: An Island of Opportunity” Meet Rebecca Dunphy of Rampage who plans to manufacture portable accessibility ramps using the rubber from o…"

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RT MikeHudema "Grimes ( Grimezsz), Sarah Harmer ( sarah_harmer) and Ronnie Dean Harris ( Ostwelve) join protest against Kinder Morgan #tarsands pipeline: The movement to protect the water and #climate just keeps growing! #cdnpol…"

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RT algore "Getting ready to kick off this week’s ClimateReality training here in #CDMX! #LeadOnClimate."

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RT RachelNotley "This project will make life more affordable for people in St. Albert and area"

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RT DrDavidWheeler1 "Huge congrats 2 the inspirational Meredith_Adler studentenergy 4 her very well deserved award"

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RT algore "Excited to announce that I just joined Instagram! You can follow me here:"

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RT MikeHudema "Another spill. A crude oil spill has been spilling in Colombia for three weeks: #ActOnClimate #cdnpoli #bcpoli #NoKXL #StopKM #WaterIsLife"

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RT RachelNotley "Alberta has won every case & we’ll continue to do so until the TransMtn pipeline is built."

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RT DrDavidWheeler1 "RT LeadingChangeCa: .JanessaGtv our fearless Event Manager talking about the benefits of intergenerational mentorship, here at GLOBE_Series For the launch of asi_canada #LeadChange18 #globeforum"

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Do you know where your "recycled" plastic goes? Do you try to reduce or reuse your plastic waste?

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Petition to close the Pickering Nuclear Plant by 2018 - It's time for the old Pickering Nuclear Plant to go. We can all help my dear bud Angela Bischoff​ to help Ontario & Canada just by signing the petition. Ontario Clean Air Alliance

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It's time for the old Pickering Nuclear Plant to go. We can all help my dear bud Angela Bischoff to help Ontario & Canada just by signing the petition.

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Did someone say the economy can’t afford a $15 an hour minimum wage? As many Canadians return to work for the new year, a new report by the Canadian...

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Nevermind what the Fraser Institute and other right-wing groups will tell you, Canada is actually underfunding social programs by a significant amount...

Nevermind what the Fraser Institute and other right-wing groups will tell you, Canada is actually underfunding social programs by a significant amount... — Ken Kirk (DocReefer) (@Kenlenkirk) March 26, 2018 from Twitter

Cheech & Chong Fri, Hempfest Cannabis Expo Sat & Sun, still stoned from the weedkend

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I have 25 new followers from Philippines, and more last week. See

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RT algore "In the United States (15% of global emissions), wind + solar = 62% of new electricity capacity in 2017, according to BCSECleanEnergy & BloombergNEF:"

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RT alapoet "RT TrumpinTheShark: kemiroart TheRickWilson KevinMKruse "Leeroy Jenkins. A terrific, terrific guy. A great American. They don't make them like that anymore, believe me. But things are changing folks, we are building up our military like never before. The generals…

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RT algore "In China (28% of global emissions), wind + solar = 55% of new electricity capacity in 2017, according to rhodium_group:"

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RT alapoet "RT TheRickWilson: I feel like an orderly in a mental hospital reading some lunatic's Manifesto written in their own feces across the padded walls"

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RT algore "As clean renewable energy continues to grow at an unprecedented pace, the highest emitting countries are driving toward their #ParisAgreement commitments. In 2017, more than half of new electricity capacity in each of the top 4 carbon emitters came from #wind & #s…

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RT truthout "Nine Ways You Can Use the Midterm Elections to Build Local Power #Midterms2018"

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RT alapoet "RT samstein: suicides…. are deaths"

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RT truthout "How an Indigenous Woman Left Her Mark on a Tumultuous Presidential Campaign in Mexico"

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RT alapoet "RT TomthunkitsMind: Overheard at Union Square, NYC Guy: "Is this the Anti-Trump protest?" Lady: "Yeah." Guy: "How long does it last?" Lady: "Four years.""

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RT alapoet "RT neeratanden: Just a reminder that John Edwards was indicted for paying off a mistress as a campaign finance violation."

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RT truthout "The US spends $32 million per hour on wars started during the Bush administration stephsavell"

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RT truthout ""They Don’t Want Certain Voters to Participate in the Political Process": rdanjuma on Voter Suppression Trial"

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RT alapoet "RT MarthaKelly3: You can recognize the good guys by their willingness to brandish guns at women and children who are peacefully marching for common sense gun control laws."

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RT truthout "Immigrant Families Demand to Be Counted on the 2020 Census yatziritovar"

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RT alapoet "RT brycetache: Sex. Hush money. Physical threats. All of this needs to be investigated. Immediately. #StormyDanielsDay"

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RT truthout "Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno exposes the atrocities committed by paramilitaries and the courageous few who revealed the complicity of the government"

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RT alapoet "RT HuffPostPol: "I can confirm that performing CPR can’t remove AR-15 bullets from a body. Get a clue.""

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RT RachelNotley "Alberta has an $11 billion tax advantage relative to the next lowest-taxed province, & our net debt-to-GDP ratio will remain the lowest in CAN. We're not going to sacrifice things Albertans have been missing for too long, like new sc…"

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RT truthout "Demonstrators Mourn Those Lost to Gun Violence and Condemn Complicit Politicians #MarchForOurLivesdc"

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RT alapoet "RT HoarseWisperer: Reminder: When Trump is angry, he tweets. When he has been shamed, he’s silent. Crickets tonight."

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Edmonton Hempfest Cannabis Expo is on again today from noon until 5pm. Be there! 😎

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RT cathmckenna "RT JustinTrudeau: C’est un fait : la violence armée a grimpé au pays et elle menace la sécurité publique. Nous donnons suite à l’engagement que nous avions annoncé en campagne de lutter contre les gangs et les armes de poing illégales et d’assurer un meilleur…

RT cathmckenna "RT JustinTrudeau: C’est un fait : la violence armée a grimpé au pays et elle menace la sécurité publique. Nous donnons suite à l’engagement que nous avions annoncé en campagne de lutter contre les gangs et les armes de poing illégales et d’assurer un meilleur… — Ken Kirk (DocReefer) (@Kenlenkirk) March 25, 2018 from Twitter

RT EricHolthaus "RT MeteoRwanda: Musoni Didace, Division Manager of Data Observation, Quality Control and Processing at MeteoRwanda explaining the importance of better application of weather and climate information including historical climatological…"

RT EricHolthaus "RT MeteoRwanda: Musoni Didace, Division Manager of Data Observation, Quality Control and Processing at MeteoRwanda explaining the importance of better application of weather and climate information including historical climatological… " — Ken Kirk (DocReefer) (@Kenlenkirk) March 25, 2018 from Twitter

RT cathmckenna "RT JustinTrudeau: FIL : Aujourd’hui, nous posons un geste concret pour un contrôle sensé des armes à feu, la vérification plus poussée des antécédents et une plus grande sécurité dans nos communautés – tout en protégeant les droits de…"

RT cathmckenna "RT JustinTrudeau: FIL : Aujourd’hui, nous posons un geste concret pour un contrôle sensé des armes à feu, la vérification plus poussée des antécédents et une plus grande sécurité dans nos communautés – tout en protégeant les droits de… " — Ken Kirk (DocReefer) (@Kenlenkirk) March 25, 2018 from Twitter

RT EricHolthaus "RT ThisIsZeroHour: Meet today’s #featurefriday youth, Nadia! She is 15 and makes many of our beautiful #thisiszerohour graphics, she is amazingly artistic! She is also a Girl Scout Senior who has been a vegetarian since age 12 and lo…"

RT EricHolthaus "RT ThisIsZeroHour: Meet today’s #featurefriday youth, Nadia! She is 15 and makes many of our beautiful #thisiszerohour graphics, she is amazingly artistic! She is also a Girl Scout Senior who has been a vegetarian since age 12 and lo… " — Ken Kirk (DocReefer) (@Kenlenkirk) March 25, 2018 from Twitter