
Showing posts from November, 2017

Liked on YouTube: SPANISH REVOLUTION-English (Muse Uprising)& IT BEGINS ,COME ON EUROPE GET UP!!


U.S. secretly tested carcinogen in Western Canada during the Cold War, researcher finds | National Post

U.S. secretly tested carcinogen in Western Canada during the Cold War, researcher finds | National Post Between July 9, 1953 and Aug 1, 1953, six kilograms of carcinogenic zinc cadmium sulfide was sprayed onto unsuspecting citizens of Winnipeg from U.S. Army planes. The US Army returned 11 years later and repeated the experiments in Suffield, Alberta and Medicine Hat, Alberta. Local governments had no knowledge of these experiments. Canadians were unwillingly used as lab rats by the people who are supposedly our closest ally.

Liked on YouTube: Rufus & Chaka Khan - Tell Me Something Good


Liked on YouTube: Where's Captain Kirk? - R.E.M.


Liked on YouTube: Senator Bernie Sanders Reacts to Paul Manafort's Indictment


(90) Senator Bernie Sanders Reacts to Paul Manafort's Indictment - YouTube

(90) Senator Bernie Sanders Reacts to Paul Manafort's Indictment - YouTube As Sanders says Canada guarantees free health care to all Canadians yet it costs about half as much per individual as heath care in the United States. And even though Canadians are over-priced for pharmaceuticals they still pay about half as much as Americans do. That's some good socialism in action. Get over your fears Americans, read, learn; there is a better way.

Liked on YouTube: 22 Minutes: Marijuana Party


Hamilton pot pioneers missing out on the fruits of seeds they planted - Hamilton - CBC News

Hamilton pot pioneers missing out on the fruits of seeds they planted - Hamilton - CBC News Michael and Walter inspired me greatly to be a pot activist. Michael was always very helpful, he taught me a lot about representing myself in court. Between my paralegal ex-wife, the lawyers I worked for at the Justice Reform Foundation, Brother Michael, Robert Francis Hay and Edward-Jay-Robin Belanger I learned enough to beat the pot laws one case at a time.

Liked on YouTube: Joe Jackson 01 Cancer


How a Lack of Touch is Destroying Men

How a Lack of Touch is Destroying Men In American culture, we believe that men can never be entirely trusted in the realm of the physical. We collectively suspect that, given the opportunity, men will revert to the sexual at a moment’s notice. That men don’t know how to  physically connect  otherwise. That men can’t control themselves. That men are dogs. There is no corresponding narrative about women. Accordingly, it has become every man’s job to prove they can be trusted, in each and every interaction, day by day and case by case. In part, because so many men have behaved poorly. And so, we prove our trustworthiness by foregoing physical touch completely in any context in which even the  slightest  doubt about our intentions might arise. Which, sadly, is pretty much every context we encounter. And where does this leave men? Physically and emotionally  isolated .