
Showing posts from July, 2017

Can a Mac get a Virus (or Malware)? We Ask An Expert | Digital Trends

Can a Mac get a Virus (or Malware)? We Ask An Expert | Digital Trends Can Macs get viruses? “The answer is definitely, yes,” says Bogdan Botezatu, Bitdefender’s Senior E-Threat Analyst, “There have been incidents, and there will be more.”

Massachusetts Drug Bill Would Send You to Prison and Steal Your Car, No Drugs Needed! – Oregon Cannabis Connection

Massachusetts Drug Bill Would Send You to Prison and Steal Your Car, No Drugs Needed! – Oregon Cannabis Connection The US has the second highest incarceration rate in the world (0.72% of the population compared to 0.14% globally, only the Seychelles is higher). The US has the highest prison population in the world with 2.35 million of the 10.35 million people incarcerated globally. The US has 4% of the world's population but has 23% of the world's prisoners, almost one in four. But crime rates around the world have been dropping steadily for about 40 years. According to Human Rights Watch U.S. prisons are mainly filled with nonviolent offenders. US prisons fail to rehabilitate prisoners and many prisoners were worse on release than before incarceration.  The US has private for-profit prisons which are extremely profitable.  "Land of the free" my ass, more like "Land of the greed & home of the slaves".

House Judiciary Committee Approves Bill Giving Sessions Unchecked Power To Ban Drugs And Set Penalties - Toke Signals with Steve Elliott

House Judiciary Committee Approves Bill Giving Sessions Unchecked Power To Ban Drugs And Set Penalties - Toke Signals with Steve Elliott Oh my fucking God no! Committee members had received a  letter  from four conservative groups opposing the bill, as well as a separate opposition  letter  from more than 60 criminal justice groups prior to the July 12 vote warning committee members that  the bill concentrates too much power with the Attorney General to make and enforce drug laws without scientific review and relies on excessive and ineffective drug sentencing laws that expand the Drug War.

How marijuana can disrupt leukemia cells - NY Daily News

How marijuana can disrupt leukemia cells - NY Daily News While chemotherapy and other treatments are available, a recent study not only proves that that cannabinoids are anticancer agents, but that there are  six different cannabinoids  (the chemical compounds found in cannabis plant) that have anticancer effects on leukemia cells specifically.

Losing my religion for equality

Losing my religion for equality "So my decision to sever my ties with the Southern Baptist Convention, after six decades, was painful and difficult. It was, however, an unavoidable decision when the convention's leaders, quoting a few carefully selected Bible verses and claiming that Eve was created second to Adam and was responsible for original sin, ordained that women must be "subservient" to their husbands and prohibited from serving as deacons, pastors or chaplains in the military service." - Jimmy Carter

Harvard Study Shows Smoking Marijuana Improves Cognitive Function |

Harvard Study Shows Smoking Marijuana Improves Cognitive Function | Preliminary evidence from a new study led by Harvard Medical School Affiliate McLean Hospital's Staci Gruber, PhD, suggests that  medical marijuana  (MMJ) may not impair, and in many cases, may actually improve executive functioning in adults.

Ivanka & Melania Are Not Happy With Where Angela Merkel Is Forcing Them To Go Tomorrow - Left Over Rights

Ivanka & Melania Are Not Happy With Where Angela Merkel Is Forcing Them To Go Tomorrow - Left Over Rights Merkel’s husband Sauer is having all the G20 leader’s spouses and close family take a tour of the German Climate Computing Center.

Florida just got sued over its ban on smokable medical marijuana

Florida just got sued over its ban on smokable medical marijuana I have epilepsy. The main advantage of smoking pot over edibles or pharmaceuticals is that smoking when I feel seizures coming on smoking has quick enough effect that it can stop seizures before they happen. Edibles and pharmaceuticals take to long to kick in to have any effect before a seizure. I'd have to stay blazed on edibles all day long to achieve the same effect, that would be way more expensive. Plus I don't want to be stoned all the time either.

'Charming' Heavy Particle Discovered at World's Largest Atom Smasher

'Charming' Heavy Particle Discovered at World's Largest Atom Smasher The Xi joins a menagerie of other particles that form the world of the very small. The Xi is a baryon, which means a particle made of three even smaller particles called quarks. The most famous baryons are protons and neutrons, which make up everyday matter.

UN Just Called For Worldwide Drug Decriminalization

UN Just Called For Worldwide Drug Decriminalization The two organizations called for “reviewing and repealing punitive laws that have been proven to have negative health outcomes” by member nations.

Trump Just Got Lost Walking To His Limo

Trump Just Got Lost Walking To His Limo Like him or hate him, we should all be able to agree that a man who gets lost on the way to the car — while standing at the car — should not be Commander-in-Chief.

Terror attacks receive five times more media coverage if perpetrator is Muslim, study finds | The Independent

Terror attacks receive five times more media coverage if perpetrator is Muslim, study finds | The Independent "Analysis of coverage of all terrorist attacks in the US between 2011 and 2015 found there was a 449 per cent increase in media attention when the perpetrator was Muslim. Muslims committed just 12.4 per cent of attacks during the period studied but received 41.4 per cent of news coverage, the survey found. The authors said the finding suggests the media is making people disproportionately fearful of Muslim terrorists."

The vast majority of pot shop workers arrested in massive raids won’t go to trial – VICE News

The vast majority of pot shop workers arrested in massive raids won’t go to trial – VICE News In all, around 80 percent of those who were arrested will likely never have a criminal record for the charges. After the high-profile Project Claudia raids were carried out last May, which police boasted were necessary to preserve “public safety,” 90 individuals faced more than 180 charges. But charges against 72 of those people have since been withdrawn or stayed, meaning the Attorney General declined to pursue the charges to a verdict.

Greece legalises marijuana for medical purposes | The Independent

Greece legalises marijuana for medical purposes | The Independent “From now on, the country is turning its page, as Greece is now included in countries where the delivery of medical cannabis to patients in need is legal.” said Greek  Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

Study: Pot users tend to be more successful, happy - Smell the Truth

Study: Pot users tend to be more successful, happy - Smell the Truth Data firm BDS Analytics conducted a detailed survey of cannabis consumers living in California and Colorado and found that pot users tend to enjoy higher incomes and an overall higher satisfaction with life in general,

Scientists Just Showed That Cannabis Literally Reverses Aging

Scientists Just Showed That Cannabis Literally Reverses Aging To discover precisely what effect the THC treatment has in old mice, the researchers examined the brain tissue and gene activity of the treated mice. The findings were surprising: the molecular signature no longer corresponded to that of old animals, but was instead very similar to that of young animals. The number of links between the nerve cells in the brain also increased again, which is an important prerequisite for learning ability. “It looked as though the THC treatment turned back the molecular clock,” says Zimmer.

Black Cop Accidentally Shot Like He Was 'An Ordinary Black Guy On The Street' - Majority Report - The Ring of Fire Network

Black Cop Accidentally Shot Like He Was 'An Ordinary Black Guy On The Street' - Majority Report - The Ring of Fire Network A police chase happened to end right outside of an off-duty African American police officer’s home. The officer exited his home with his service weapon to help, and although two officers initially told him to get down, they recognized him and instructed him to walk toward them. Another officer, a white male, approached the scene, didn’t recognize him, apparently yelled something threatening and shot him in the arm. We watch the wounded officer’s lawyer lament that his client was treated like an “ordinary black guy,” who we all know are literally at risk of being shot for no reason or for some reason at any time.